Do these ads play on smartphones only?
No. The ads can play on most phones, smart and feature phones alike.
Which platforms can this technology run on?
This is platform independent. It runs on Android, Symbian, Windows, Blackberry as well as Java platforms. It runs on GSM as well as CDMA systems.
Are there specific telecom operators that are needed to run this?
No. m-Adcalls is operator independent.
How does a consumer see an ad on the mobile phone?
A video ad is played on the mobile screen every time a user dials a number. Once the ad finishes the call connects and the user continues to use his phone as usual.
Is watching an ad an option for the subscriber or does he compulsorily watch the ad?
Both the options are available and depend on the understanding between the mobile operator and the advertiser. For opt-in model, the subscriber gets a popup prompt every time he dials a number, which lets him choose between a free or a paid call.
Why will the user watch the ad if it is optional?
The consumer gets some Free Call benefit for seeing the ad. The call becomes free; content becomes free or even 3G access can be free just by seeing a 10-20 sec ad
How does this make calling free?
Now that the mobile phone operator gets revenue by showing ads, it can offer calls at a subsidy or even free.
Why do mobile operators want to host this service?
The phone operator gets an additional revenue stream. He also gets to add more subscribers, by providing cheaper services.
How does the video data reach the mobile phone?
There are three routes to push the ad onto the device:
i) Through GPRS/Wifi/3G: The ads can be pushed to the mobile phone through GPRS/Wifi/3G at night when the data pipes are relatively free.
ii) Preloading: Handset manufacturers can preload handsets with video ads.
iii) Third party loading: The ads can be downloaded onto handsets at third party mobile phone service centers just like a lot of music and content is downloaded
Who are the people behind this technology?
Astute Systems Technology, an Indian company, has developed this technology. Astute is promoted by the brother duo Jay & Vijay Jain who have been serving mobile phone content for past many years. Vijay started his career with NTT DOCOMO, Japan. Astute manages VAS storefronts for several mobile operators in India and abroad.
Has this technology been showcased on any industry platforms?
It has been demonstrated at the GSM World Congress, Barcelona as well as Uplinq 2011 at San Diego
Where can this be implemented?
Astute has existing partnerships with several telecom operators in South East Asia — including India, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Indonesia – USA, Latin America and Europe. The company is in negotiations with more operators in all these geographies and several countries of Africa.
What is the rollout plan?
The system can be online as early as June 2012 with a few operators in India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. Most of the operators in South East Asia are likely to be on board by End 2012. We expect to roll out in the USA and Europe by early 2013 and in Africa by mid 2012
Is tracking and profiling of the ad viewers possible?
Absolutely. The viewership is almost 100% tracked unlike the guesswork in TRP/GRP models